Sunday, June 1, 2014

Weekend Review: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

I've decided to try writing a weekly book review. I used to read a lot and I'm trying to get back into reading a lot. I've been having trouble finding books that I want to read. I should probably get out of my comfort zone and try something new. Anyway, I'm going to try to review one book per week and post the review during the weekend.

The first book that I'll be reviewing is Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I don't usually read young adult, but this book just seemed so interesting that I had to pick it up. It's about a girl who commits suicide. She leaves behind thirteen tapes, each assigning blame for a part in her suicide. When I started reading this book I thought it was going to be about a teen who was bullied into killing herself, but I was wrong. Hannah Baker is a lonely teen. Most of her classmates ignore her, but she's not really bullied. Most of the reasons she gives for killing herself aren't enough to merit suicide. When Clay, the boy who got the tapes, was listening to the tapes, I kept putting myself in his shoes. I wondered how I would feel to get tapes like that. How would I feel knowing I'd caused someone else pain? I'm pretty sure that's why the book was written, to make me think about the way I treated other people. The book was enjoyable enough. I would probably give it three out of five stars. The reason I only gave it three is because I don't think the reasons Hannah gave for killing herself were enough. Maybe if I could relate better if I'd read this as a teenager. I know sometimes a little problem, like rumours, could seem like the end of the world, but if Hannah had grown up and gone to college she would have forgotten about most of the people who made her like miserable.

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