Saturday, January 30, 2016

Weekend Review: Warm Bodies

I had planned to do this review back in May (there was a draft of this from May), but for whatever reason I didn't. I was probably too busy searching for jobs or just dealing with life itself. I had also planned on comparing this to the movie, but I didn't get very far through it. I only read about half of this, and I do intend to finish the book. The book is divided into sections, and the first one is basically where he meet Juliet. I like the character of R, but not so much Juliet. She's different from the Juliet in the movie. She does drugs and does other things to abuse herself, she's even a cutter. R is different from who he is in the movie as well, instead of a hoodie he dons a business suit. The book is a good read, but it's been almost a year since I picked it up and I'm not sure what else to say about it, but I can't wait to finish it.