Friday, October 31, 2014

Casual Friday: Happy Halloween

Today is one of my favorite holidays, Halloween! I'm either going to spend the day watching horror movies, or go to a "haunted house". I decided that today would be the perfect day to post about some of my favorite Halloween movies.

The original Nightmare on Elm Street series is one of my favorites. I didn't really care for the remake. It just doesn't feel the same without Robert England as Freddy.

I think this was one of the first horror movies that I ever watched. I love all the movies in the series, other than the newest one.

No Halloween would be complete without zombies. I love both the remake and the original.

This is also a fun movie to watch on mother's day. Fun fact: When I caught a Cubone while playing Pokemon I named him Norman Bates.

I love watching this on both Halloween and Christmas.

Honorable Mention:

The Halloween movies, because you just can't have Halloween without Micheal Myers.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


To be a writer you must live your life and draw experience from it. I recently went to the first bar I've ever gone to, and it made me wonder about other firsts that I should experience, even if they are purely for the sake of improving my writing. I've been considering sitting down and making a list, maybe even youtubing a few of these firsts. I know I need to go out and seek more adventure to better myself not only as a writer, but as a person.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What will it be like when it happens to me?

I noticed that HP Mallory is having a book release party online today. I know she'll do well, she's an amazing author. I can't wait to pick up the book myself. I also can't help wondering what it would be like to be in her shoes. I always wonder what it's going to be like when I finally self publish my first book, but I don't think I've ever allowed myself to wonder what it would be like to be successful. I guess I never dared to dream that people would be interested in reading what I write about. I always thought other things might get in the way. I go to school and have a new relationship, so it's hard to find time to blog. I also have a full time job, which I need to keep. All of that cuts into my writing time. I'm already into the month where I had planned to release my novel, and way behind. It would have been the perfect time to unleash it into the world, but I had so many things get in the way.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Reads

It's one of my favorite times of year again. Scary movies are on nearly every channel and costumes and creepy decorations are in stores. Halloween is Friday. Although this holiday gets a lot of love from the cable stations, it doesn't really get a lot of love in the bookstores, so I decided to make a post featuring a few of my favorite Halloween reads.

I don't read a lot of Stephen King, but I do love Carrie. It was the first Stephan King book that I ever picked up, and it's also the best one that I've read. I've already posted a review on Carrie, so I'll spare everyone the gory details. The review can be found with my weekend reviews.

Blood red is a great vampire novel, but it's a little hard to find. I was able to find it on amazon, but not on regular book sites. Blood red is basically the story of a town where strange things happen after a strange man moves there.

One of my favorite comic series, 30 days of night, is the perfect Halloween read for someone who loves comics.

Finally, there's the Hannibal series. If you're a fan of the tv series I highly recommend you check out the books.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Favorite Places To Write

My favorite place to write is my desk. The pink and gold paint is familiar, and sometimes I find myself longing to sit at it and edit, or work on something new. I love the desk. Everything about it screams me, but sometimes I get writer's block. When I get writer's block it helps to go somewhere else to write. Sometimes I go somewhere as simple as school or the library, or a coffee shop. Sometimes I have to ring the laptop outside. I love to be around water, and would love to own a house by the water someday. I would pick a room with a large window to be my office. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

New Computer, Same Stories

I think that I've finally adjusted to my new computer. I haven't been able to use it for much other than school work, but I did upload all my writing that needed to be edited or worked on. I've only used the writing program a few times, but hopefully I will be able to edit with no problems. Windows eight is a huge jump from windows vista.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Casual Friday: Dracula Untold

********Warning There Will Be Spoilers********

Tonight I went to see Dracula Untold. I rarely go to the movies, but decided to see this, since I have a love of supernatural creatures. I almost changed my mind after seeing the ratings for it. For some reason no one liked this film, but I did. I was caught off guard by Dracula being a hero. He actually sought out a vampire because he wanted to save his family. For a vampire movie, especially one about Dracula, there was very little blood. There was an exploding vampire, which was a pretty cool use of special effects. It was probably the coolest thing in the entire movie. The plot of the movie shows how Dracula became what he is, but didn't paint him to be a monster. He had human emotion, even when he's killing his enemies. That's the only thing I didn't like about the movie, we don't get to see Dracula the monster. Even at the end of the movie, he's driven by human emotions, primarily a love for his wife. The special effects were cool, but sometimes weird, and there was enough action to keep me entertained.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Yet Another Update

I haven't been editing much, or doing much of anything besides homework lately. Hopefully I will have more time soon. Math finals are on the 13th. I will still have Spanish class, but I will have more free time to blog and edit and actually do book reviews. I have a book that I meant to review just sitting on my desk. I think I cracked it open once, but it's overdue now. I am also going to see Dracula untold tomorrow, which I plan to review here.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Casual Friday: Being Human season 4 uk review

I promised that I would review the remaining two seasons of the UK's Being Human (which came before the American). I just finished watching season 4 a few days ago and have one more season to go, but I think I should review them season by season. I have mixed feelings about season four. I found Hal and Tom to be more interesting than Mitchell and George, but I didn't like how they killed Nina off screen and then killed George in an early episode. Tom was introduced in season 3, and I have always found his story to be intriguing. He has been a werewolf, since the man who raised him attacked his family when he was an infant. He survived, so the werewolf who attacked decided to raise him out of guilt. His upbringing caused him to be regarded as a child, despite his eagerness to slay vampires. Hal is a vampire who doesn't drink blood. He has rituals he goes through to keep his mind busy and stop him from hurting anyone. I found him to be a more interesting character than both Mitchell and Aidan. I think parts of his back story were mixed with Mitchell's to create Aidan. Anne the ghost is still there, but she's on babysitting duty the entire remainder of the show. Her story is what bugged me the most. It's clear she wanted a baby, however, they don't show her human side. She never once says something about how she'd always hoped to have a baby, she's void of any personality. All she does from that point on is care for the baby. She does get a happy ending. She gets her door, but we never see who's behind it. I can only guess that it was Mitchell, George and Nina.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I'm still in the process of setting up my computer, but it has apps along with programs. I'm trying to sort out the best apps and programs for a writer. I also have to think about what I need for school and if I can use an app for both school and home. I think it'll take me awhile to fully transfer everything.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Setting things up

My old computer was awful. The drivers were gone and I had to type in the name of whatever file I wanted to open to open it. That made it nearly impossible to do school work on. I decided that it was time for an upgrade, and I have been spending the past few days setting up my computer. I'm still having some issues transferring my writing, but hopefully, it won't set me back.