Friday, May 26, 2017

What Charmed has taught me about storytelling

I want to start by saying that I have a love/hate relationship with the show Charmed. I never watched it when it was in its original run, but I caught reruns on TNT when waiting for Supernatural to come on. I remember thinking that the show was cool at first and then quickly growing bored with it. I can even remember a conversation that I had with one of my coworkers about it. They asked me why I didn't like the show and I thought it was more of a 'monster of the episode' show where the same thing happens every episode. It was one of those shows that were just entertaining enough for me to watch on a day when I didn't feel like thinking about much. I always wanted to like the show (since it clearly wanted to showcase strong women). I recently saw that Charmed was on netflix and thought to myself 'what the heck, I'll give it another chance'. I'm kind of glad that I did give it another chance because it taught me a lot about storytelling. One of the things I struggled with while writing Zombie Bite was character development and just development over time. Charmed has development, witches struggling to balance their personal wants and needs with what is expected of them. In almost every episode one of the sisters gets a new power or something happens to them that they have to explore. I really enjoyed seeing how that was handled. It wasn't like 'Prue got a new power and suddenly she knows what to do with it', it was more like Prue got a new power and she's struggling to control it. Anyway, Charmed has taught me a lot more than I would have thought it would upon the second viewing.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Zombie Bite is now in paperback!

Zombie Bite is now in paperback! You can check it out here:

Sunday, May 7, 2017

I finally did it!

I have been posting about how much I wanted to change the look of my blog and I finally did. I got a new logo, which I feel does my blog justice (I also love it). I'm going to try to start posting on here more normally again, but I can't make any promises. I have been busy working to get Hair of the Wolf out and working on something new. I feel like one of my biggest struggles has been word count. I feel like I had been holding the word count against myself too much. I hate feeling like I had to reach a certain amount of words to have a complete story and I think it holds me back. I'm just going to have to let stories flow for as long as their meant to now.