Sunday, August 31, 2014

Weekend Review: Black Flame Novels

I didn't get a chance to finish Horns this week either, and truth be told, I'm probably going to give up on it. It just isn't one of those books that holds my interest. I've also been busy with school, I have to go daily. I decided to review something I mentioned, but didn't go into detail about: Blame Flame Novels. Most people have never heard of Blame Flame novels, but I collected them. I might do a collection post in the future. Black Flame was a book publishing company in Britain that had a deal to publish books about the movies from New Line Cinema. New Line Cinema used to be the go to for horror movies, I suspect it's lionsgate now. Most of these books were original, but some were novelizations of the movie. They were all poorly written with tons of typos. I'm not sure the books were ever edited. Most of them are worst quantity than a self published novel. I'm not dissing self-publishing, that's the route I've picked for myself, but these were clearly not edited. Most of the books went for shock value. There was a whole relationship added between Wendy and Kevin in the Final Destination 3 novel. The best one was the one with the models, where one model had to kill the rest to have her looks restored. I think it was only because I had always wanted someone from Final Destination to go crazy (like they finally did in the 5th installment). The only place you can find Black Flame novels now is amazon or ebay, which is why there's no link at the bottom of this post.

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