Saturday, August 30, 2014

Background noise

It's raining outside. When I was younger that used to be my favorite weather to write to. A lot of people like to listen to music, but I just love the sound of the rain beating on the windows. Now that I'm adult, I have to write and edit whenever I get the chance. It's not as fun as just randomly writing while cars are zooming by outside in the rain. I don't listen to music when I write either, but when I do I keep the radio tuned to the Halloween channel on Slacker radio. I don't think I could write in complete silence, so I always have the tv on, usually on the syfy channel, like it is now. I'm sure there's a movie on about some giant cg monster, but I'm not paying attention. I'm about to open a word document and start editing, or maybe I'll open my draft about the grim reaper and add to that.

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