Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Word Count

I had been avoiding doing a word count on the novel I'm about to release. Well, it's more like a novella. I know it was going to be short, but I had no idea how short. 16,884 words 89,861 characters. Is that even a novella, or just a short story? How can I justify selling it? I've worked really hard on it, although I did let life get in the way. I know the word count may change since I am still doing edits, but I don't think it'll change that much. The average novella is 30,000. It's still a story, it's still complete. I just don't think I can add words unless they add to the story. I do have a few parts I'm going to edit, a few things I've decided to add, but I'm not sure how many words that will add up to. I'm just so nervous about my novella. I should have googled word count before I started writing, but I didn't want it to effect my story.

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