Monday, July 7, 2014

Ghost Writers

I wanted to write a post on what I think about ghost writers, and no, I don't mean that show I used to watch as a child. I mean people who write books for other people. They get paid for it, but they usually don't get any credit. I think I read a sweet valley high book once that had the name of the ghost writer inside. I thought that was weird that someone would want to take credit for something they hadn't written. I soon found out that all of the Sweet Valley books were ghost written. I don't remember if that affected my love of the trashy little novellas, but it did add a lot of plot holes. Now that I'm an adult I've picked up the adult Sweet Valley book, the only one actually written by Francine Pascal. I'm actually reading it now, and wondering if that's the way she intended the twins to be. Is that how she intended the other characters to be? How many of the ghost written books did she actually read? I don't think there's any way she could have written an outline for each of those books. She does mention some key things that happened in some of the books, so I know she's read a few of the ghost written books. I also have a strong belief that the last few Sookie Stackhouse books were ghostwritten. Why do I believe that? The first book is nothing like the last book, in fact, a lot of the last few books don't seem to hold that same magic. It's not just the romance I have an issue with. I do have an issue with that, the two characters were barely interacting anymore. If they would have gotten together sometime during the first three books I would have believed it, but to end up together out of nowhere? I also had a problem with the villain, who just seemed to be there so that everything could get solved quickly and wrapped up with a nice little bow. Then there's the thing that annoys me most of all, the thing that makes me think these last few books have been ghost written. Sookie can no longer read Sam's mind! It's shown in the first few books that she can read shifter's minds, it's just harder. In the first book Sam is flirting with her and tells her to read his mind. In the last book she can't, there's no explanation, although an easy one would have been that Sam died and came back to life, but we're given nothing. This book disappointed not only me, but after searching google I'd say most of the internet. This is a reason that you should never use a ghost writer. Why would you even want to put your name on something that someone else wrote? I'll never understand that. Why should you get money for someone basically writing a fan fiction with your characters?

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