Thursday, July 3, 2014

Man Vs. His Own Stupid Comments

I'm sure most people have heard about Adam Richman's comments. He's the star of man vs. food and he told someone who commented on his instagram post to go run a warm bath and get the razor blade, or something along those lines. The whole reason for the internet fight was for him using a hashtag that promoted eating disorders. When a fan told her that it was offensive he lashed out at her and her friends. He didn't take it seriously. He started out by making light of something that a lot of people struggle with, and then he attacked strangers online. He could have just said he didn't know the word was offensive and removed it, but instead he chose to attack. I can understand that he struggled with his weight, but that's no reason to attack anyone. When you're in the public eye in any way you have to choose your words carefully. In Mr. Richman's case, it cost him a show, but saying things without thinking could cost people their careers, friendships, and in some cases their safety. We've all been in internet fights, and probably didn't think before speaking, but everyone needs to think more about the things they say online. It doesn't seem like words can hurt someone when they are typed out on a screen, but sometimes they can. When comments are made like the ones Mr. Richman made, they belittle people who are struggling with issues like suicide and eating disorders. I'm in shock that someone who was struggling with issues of his own made those comments, but I think this is an example of why you shouldn't say certain things online. Even if you aren't famous you can still hurt others and yourself. I recently read about a girl who lost her job for posting things online. She didn't name her workplace, but she still got fired. There are also things you just don't discuss because it would cause a fight. If you goggle hobby lobby and scroll straight to the comments of anything that comes up and you'll see a prime example of that.

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