Saturday, May 3, 2014

Pen Name?

I've thought about pen names for a long time. I know a lot of authors have them. Probably most authors at this point. There are many reasons authors chose to have pen names, privacy being one of the top reasons. I wondered for a long time if I should have a pen name. The idea of a pen name seemed promising enough. I don't really share much about myself with people I do know, it would feel funny sharing myself things about myself with people I didn't know. There was also the fact that my last name is unspellable (yes, I know that's not a word, but it sounds trendy) to most people, which would make it harder for me to sell books. I bounced around a lot of names, but in the end I couldn't imagine being called anything else. I wondered if maybe I should just change the last name. I couldn't think of anything I wanted for a last name. The characters I write about seem to name themselves and I can't even think of a name to go by so I can still have my privacy. In the end I decided to go with my first name and only the first few letters of my last name. Maybe someday I'll change my mind. Maybe someday I'll think of something I want to be called, maybe before I publish my first ebook, but for now I can't think of anything that fits me.

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