Thursday, May 8, 2014

Editing, a necessary evil

Right now I am working on the final edit of my soon to be released book, but I'd rather be writing book two. I already have book two outlined and I've already written a little bit of the first chapter, but I keep telling myself not to work on it. Editing is more important. If I take my focus away from editing I might never get my focus back. As much as I'd rather be writing, I have to edit. I don't want to end up with a bunch of unfinished books. This morning when I was editing, I found something that I should have found in the first edit. One of my characters is named Andrew, he's the FBI agent who is originally paired with my main character, Anyssa. His name wasn't always Andrew. Anyway, this morning I was reading through and happened to find a use of his old name. I changed it, but I was surprised it was still there. Maybe I wasn't searching for errors hard enough, or maybe I was reading his name as Andrew. It doesn't matter why I left the mistake in, what matters is that is was left in. I, like many other authors, have a fear that my writing won't be good enough. I think about it being too long, or too boring. I wonder if other people are going to like it, or if it's the kind of story I would want to read. I wonder if my grammar is on par, or if my blog and twitter make people want to avoid reading my book. I try not to dwell on those things. I've been focusing on my book lately, and not this negative stuff. It does cross my mind, like every other author, but I try to ignore it and focus on the positive.

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