Friday, May 9, 2014

Casual Friday: Video Games

As it is now, my blog isn't personal. There's almost no information about me, other than a few tv reviews. Since my blog is mainly about writing, I'm not really building the relationship I need with the readers I want to attract. Someone who just stumbled across my blog would have no reason to care. My blog lacks personality, and not just because it's dull and grey. I need to fix the layout to something that reflects who I am as a person, or at least looks better than what I have now. I'm not very tech savvy, so I guess I should feel lucky that I have a layout at all. Anyway, I've decided to do something I plan to call casual Friday. I'm going to try to post every Friday (I can't make any promises, life does get in the way), and post about something that's not related to writing. I'll post book reviews, tv show reviews, video game reviews, and just talk about whatever is on my mind. Today I had planned to post about the controversy going on over at Nintendo, but quickly decided against it. Posting an opinion on something like that is like opening up a can of worms. No matter what I would have said someone would have attacked me, or asked me to explain why I think the way I do. They would have tried to "prove me wrong". That's just the way the internet is, so instead I'm going to review the last video game I played: Kingdom Hearts Dream, Drop, Distance for the 3ds. I love Kingdom Hearts one and two, but have mostly stayed away from the games not on the playstation. This particular installment of Kingdom Hearts was nothing special. I found myself growing bored within the first world. The things I did like were cute little dream monsters that took the place of Donald Duck and Goofy, the park core element, and that's pretty much it. You got to play as Sora and Riku. Sora got to wear his classic red suit. I didn't find the story very interesting, but it could be since I stayed away from Kingdom Hearts so long. There are two new characters brought in, but I didn't care enough to stay turned for their backstory. Instead of flying a ship through worlds, you fly through as Sora or Riku. Flying the ship used to be a fun part of the game for me, but for some reason I couldn't get into it with these characters. Sorry Kingdom Hearts, this was not your best installment.

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