Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Casual Tuesday: Black Widow toys

I was going to wait until Friday to post this, but I figured I may as well say something while this is still a hot topic on the internet. One of my favorite memories from when I was younger is when I was about six or seven years old and I went to pick up a pizza with my father. The pizza restaurant had a Street Fighter 2 arcade game near the entrance and my father and I played it together. It was the Street Fighter that only featured eight characters, but one of them was Chun Li, a female fighter. I later asked for the game for my birthday, in fact, I still play the game now as an adult and Chun Li is still one of my favorite fighters in the game. What's the point of this story? Well, as a young female I liked having a character in a game or movie that I could relate to. If I was young now that character would probably be Black Widow or the Scarlet Witch, which makes me wonder why there are so few toys and other merch featuring these ladies. I'm sure girls would be glad to see a character that they could relate to on t-shirts. I'm sure the action figures would sell, because I used to have pink ranger action figures when I was little and used to love power rangers. I saw a post earlier that said there's no Black Widow stuff in stores because it wouldn't sell. It wouldn't sell because boys wouldn't like it, the poster said. I quickly pointed out that girls would buy it, but I should have stopped to think before I replied. I'm sure if I had I would have pointed out that in most cases it's the parents buying and not the little boys. It's the parents that are making the choice of what they want to see in stores. In any case, I know if the internet caused this much uproar about a toy then there must be a demand for it.

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