Saturday, April 30, 2016

Weekend Review: Awkward.

I recently posted about this show and I honestly didn't think that I would again. Maybe I have a lot to say because I've been in Jenna's shoes recently. I hoped the writers of this show would decide that it was time for Jenna to grow past the love triangles and her undying love for Matty, but they haven't. I'm actually not here to talk about Jenna and Matty in the romantic sense though. The thing that's been bugging me lately is Jenna has an unpaid internship at a place called Idea bin, basically she's writing articles for a website. On the last episode she wrote an article that ended up on the front page of Idea bin, but that article also hurt Matty. I mostly write fiction, but sometimes I write nonfiction in my blog. Anytime you write your version of the truth someone will get their feelings hurt, I know this from experience. Some of the blogs that I wrote about my ex hurt them, but at the same time every word was true to me. He may have thought that he was fighting for us to stay together and be happy, but it couldn't have been my truth because I wasn't living it. I'm kind of on the fence about the article itself. I haven't taken down the articles about my ex, even though I know it hurt him. The articles may have hurt him, but they also helped me to grow as a writer. I may take them down in the future, but I'm not sure. I didn't write the articles with the intention to hurt anyone, the articles were the truth as I saw it at the time that I saw it. I don't even think he reads my blog anymore, although he claimed to read every new entry in the past (after we parted ways). Sometimes you don't like seeing the negative impact that you have on other people, but at the same time you should use the experience to grow into a better person. I honestly don't think she should have gotten her article taken down.

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