Friday, November 14, 2014

Casual Friday: My Christmas wish

It's only November 14th, and there are already Christmas decorations everywhere. I'm not complaining, since I love Christmas and it is more lively than Thanksgiving, but there is something that's been on my mind. I've been dreading the holiday season. Why? Well, I work retail for the time being. I'm not looking forward to hunting for a parking spot that's all the way on the other side of the mall, or being pushed around by the crowd. I'm not looking forward to the long lines in the food court, or the lack of places to sit in the food court. I'm not looking forward to staying late so the customers can have extra time in the store, even staying after the store is closed in some cases. I'm not writing this blog to complain, since I am grateful that I have a job, but I do feel that I have to address my Christmas wish. My Christmas wish is that people would be nicer to those who work in the retail stores, or waitress, because you never know when they had a break, or got to eat. You don't know how long they've been standing in uncomfortable shoes, or how long they've been waiting for a bathroom break. You also don't know their situation. Some people pick up an extra job for additional Christmas money, but some pick one up to feed their families.

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