Saturday, December 29, 2018

So why did I publish Zombie Bite before it was ready?

If I'm honest with myself, I would have to admit that I knew Zombie Bite wasn't ready for publication. I wasn't even happy with the cover (which I actually paid for). I had actually had Zombie Bite sitting on my laptop since about 2011-2012, but I hadn't recently touched it. I'm the type of writer who usually has more than one thing going on at once when I need to focus on just one thing, so I shoved Zombie Bite to work on projects that I was more passionate about. I didn't start working on Zombie Bite again until around 2015, but I barely touched it. I didn't really start looking over it again until 2016, but I wish that I had just left it alone. 2016 was a rough year for me. It started with a break up (which was actually a blessing, but I'm not going to get into that here), and moved on to me struggling on the job (going from one low paying job to another) and school fronts (I signed up all classes that I knew that I could handle and I got my student aid documents in on time, but the head of that department did not process them in time so I was dropped from the classes I actually thought that I'd really enjoy). I started working on Zombie Bite again to give myself something to look forward to, but I'm not really sure that it made me feel any better. I didn't edit (as anyone that read the book can tell), and I also rushed to get the book out. I think the main reason that I rushed the book is because I wanted to have something that I had accomplished. It was impressive to tell people that I'd written a book, only I didn't tell anyone that I had written a book. I posted about it on social media a few times and then I gave up. Another reason that I rushed the book is because of my financial situation. The relationship that I was in forced me to leave behind a good job that I actually enjoyed, and I wasn't able to find a job that I cared as deeply about (even after the breakup). I was suffering from so much stress that I couldn't even enjoy writing. I rushed to get the book out and threw it up on amazon as if it would solve all of my problems. I admit that it made me feel better for about thirty minutes, I think it would have been better if I could have published something that I was actually proud of. My next book will be something that I'm proud of, something that I'll promote and be glad to tell my friends about.

Have you ever rushed something before it was ready? If so what? How it work out for you? Leave a comment down below letting me know, and as always, thanks for reading.

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