Saturday, June 13, 2015

Weekend Review: Midnight Crossroad by Charlaine Harris

I want to start out by saying I loved the Sookie Stackhouse books, and thought that I would be a huge Charlaine Harris fan. I found that Sookie Stackhouse was one of the characters that I related to most(in the older books). She felt like an outsider, and I think everyone feels like an outsider at times. I devoured the older Sookie books like candy and while I was waiting for the later books to be published I checked out the Harper books. Both characters had something supernatural about them, but Harper was the more realistic of the two. I loved both series, but I did want Harper to end up with Manfred. Speaking of Manfred, he's in Midnight Crossroad. Midnight Crossroad has a mixture of odd characters, including a vampire, a witch, and Manfred. Even the cast of supposedly interesting characters didn't help me to finish the book. Places and food were described way more than they needed to be. I only read the first fifty or so pages so this is more like a first impressions blog, but my first impression is that this book felt too much like it was trying to copy the Sookie books. In the end this book wasn't for me. I'm still trying to find a book that I can love as much as the Sookie books.

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