Saturday, April 20, 2019

I just don't understand this 'trend'

Why is it that abuse is so popular in books? I'm not talking about the bickering that two characters do sometimes when they meet and start to feel attracted to each other. No, what I'm talking about is when one of the characters does things like telling the other character who she (or he) can and can't talk to, goes through their text messages, treats them poorly, etc. I have never met a guy that treated me poorly and decided that I wanted to get to know him better. Sure, there's probably a reason that he's a jerk, but once he treats me poorly I won't care enough to find out what it is. I'm sure this is a very real relationship type that many people do endure, but for once I'd like to see the girl (or guy) end up with someone who actually treats them well. I get that characters change and grow, but if they start out this poorly I'm not really sure why the main character decided to stick around.

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