Friday, December 16, 2016

Mailing list, youtube, twitch, and other news

I recently decided that I need to be more active with my online presence, so I made a mailing list. You can sign up for my mailing list here. I am only planning to use the mailing list when I release a new book, change the price of a current book, or have some other big news. I will not be posting about my youtube or twitch accounts there. Speaking of my youtube and twitch accounts, I haven't posted on them in awhile. I've had a lot going on and found that it's been harder than I thought to keep up with everything. I think I will probably start doing more posts once Hair of The Wolf is complete and for sale in the kindle store. I have been solely focused on my book and I know that's not really fair to the people who want to watch my youtube and twitch streams, but I swear I am getting back to that. Also, I have been saying for the longest time that I want to improve this blog, but I've had no idea how to. Now I am looking into youtube videos and websites to find what is important to readers. I am going to use whatever free time that I can muster to slowly change this blog, and when I am done with that I will have to take some lazy days to catch up on all the tv shows I've been missing. I've only seen the season 7 opener to the Walking Dead, and none of Supernatural or Scream Queens. Anyway, thanks for sticking through with this update and please subscribe to my mailing list!

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