Friday, February 7, 2014

Bitten Review

I swear this isn't going to become a tv review blog, I just feel strongly about a few shows. As someone who's about to release an ebook, it's one of my dreams to see my writing come to life either on the big or small screen. I actually wouldn't mind my work coming to life as an anime either, that idea is actually pretty cool. Anyway, Kelly Armstrong has achieved that dream for herself when syfy decided to make her book, Bitten, into a tv show. I haven't read Bitten, but I have read Stolen and I had a love/hate relationship with it. I read the book years ago so I won't go into my thoughts on the book, just the tv series. After watching the first episode I found myself thinking, This show wants to be True Blood so bad that they might as well name the main character Sookie. The show opens with the main character about to turn into a werewolf while having sex with her current boyfriend. She literally had to make an excuse while running away from her boyfriend. The episode goes on to show her going about her life and doing normal, boring things. She goes dress shopping, and out for beer with her boyfriend's sister. The only interesting part was the murder which had her and all the other wolves from her pack called back home, but that took a backseat to Elena's boring life. The second episode was only a little better. It wasn't until the third and forth episodes where the show started to get interesting. While there was still some focus on Elena's boring love life(we all know she's going to end up with Clay, even without reading the books), they did focus more on the murders. Someone was turning killers into 'mutts' the pack's term for bitten werewolves. I don't know if I'm going to keep watching this show, but it is nice to see an author getting her dream to come true.

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