Wednesday, February 5, 2014

American Horror Story Coven Review

We wear black
I feel like enough time has passed since the airing of the finale for me to share my thoughts. I've been watching American Horror Story since the first season, and while it took me a little while to get into, I loved the previous seasons. Asylum was my favorite. I remember actually being excited about what was going to happen next, and rooting for some characters while hoping others got what they deserved. Sometimes I would watch the episodes twice since they came on back to back, and I even wished for American Horror Story to get it's own talk show like the Talking Dead. That all changed sometime during Coven. There were some things I liked. I've always liked the pairing of Evan Peters and Taissa Farmiga, but the storyline they were part of this season was so immature. Two girls fighting over a zombie boy. The part that annoys me the most is when the girls are sent to their own personal hell and Zoey says her's was Kyle breaking up with her over and over again. I thought to myself, That's the worst thing that can happen to you? Really? In fact, most of the younger girls had storylines about love or wanting to be loved. Even Queenie, who flopped back and forth so much I'm sure the only reason she didn't flop back to Marie was because Marie was nowhere to be found. My favorite scenes in the series were the blossoming friendship between LaLaurie and Queenie, and I really thought LaLaurie was going to see her as a daughter at some point in the series. Another one of the big issues I had with the series was the portrayal of Lavaeu and LaLaurie. Their characters were based on real people, so the writers already had a lot to choose from. I'm from New Orleans so I was excited when I saw Kathy Bates say her character was going to be worse then her character from Misery. I knew they had enough history to make that character worse then the character from Misery, but they didn't use it. Based on LaLaurie's past alone I should have felt a little uncomfortable watching her scenes, but I didn't. I didn't see anything too horrifying. I also feel like everything about Lavaeu was complete fiction. I think the only thing they really got right was that she was the voodoo queen of New Orleans. I think the biggest problem I had with the show was the endings. It seemed like all the good people got good endings and all the bad people went to hell, or in Madison's case, were murdered and never seen again. Misty was the only good person who ended up in hell. Cordelia got to be supreme, which seems like the writers taking the easy way out. Zoey and Kyle ended up together, Zoey and Queenie got to be on the council. The frizzy haired woman got burned at the stake. I think the ending that bothered me the most was Fiona's. She ended up in hell with the axe man, who claimed to love her. If he loved her than why was his hell to be with Fiona? Maybe because Fiona didn't love him? I don't know, the ending just didn't sit right with me. I feel like Fiona should have pulled one more rabbit out of her hat and found a way to stay supreme. That's the ending I was hoping for anyway. I'm still going to tune in next season, hopefully next season will be better.

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