Sunday, July 12, 2015

Weekend Review: Even White Trash Zombies Get The Blues by Diana Rowland

I want to start out by saying that I do not like the book covers in this series. It kind of grossed me out to see Angel sitting on the toilet right on the cover. Toward the middle of the book the main character is kidnapped and held in a room that she believes was once a bathroom, so I think that's the main reason for this cover choice. Angel had some issues in this book that I think everyone could relate to, she's having trouble at work, people are using her past against her, and she's having trouble with her boyfriend. Her past is a major issue in the book, since people don't believe what she says because of her past. She does make an effort to better herself despite what others say about her, which I think makes her a strong character. Even though the character is kidnapped, I never felt like she was in real danger because she was always such a strong character. The entire time she was being held I kept wondering when she was going to get herself out of trouble. Let's get to the part that I didn't like, her boyfriend. While I like that this isn't one of those books where all the males are in love with the female lead, I don't like the guy that is dating her. He doesn't seem suited for her, and I would like to see her with someone else, someone that she has chemistry with. She says herself that she isn't sure how much she likes Marcus, which is another point in the book that I really liked. Usually the female character falls in love with one of the male characters over the course of one book. Towards the middle/end of the book there's a lot of action. There's a part that shows that there is a bond between the new zombie and the one that created it, which is suspected to be the reason Marcus is so taken with Angel. I think that would be interesting, but I'm not sure if I would like that to be the reason he's so taken with her. Overall, this was a good book and I do plan to read the other two.

BUY THE BOOK, It's on sale

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