Saturday, May 7, 2016

Weekend Review: The Walking Dead season 2 video game

First I would just like to shamelessly self promote my YouTube channel, which I am still trying to figure out. I play video games on it. You can view my walking dead playlist by clicking here.

I have a YouTube channel where I play games, and that means I get to try out a lot of games that I haven't before. I haven't really been working too hard on the gaming channel, but I plan to change that soon. I just need to set aside some time to do so. I also have been busy with school, which is why I didn't read a book this week for the weekend review (I am honestly thinking of doing one day with a game review and the other book review). Anyway, I am really getting into the walking dead season 2, just like I did with season 1, but I do find some actions a little...unnecessary. When Clementine was patching up her arm it seemed to take forever, and you also need to click on every single thing, which drives me a bit crazy. Everything else has me interested, the story is great, the 'combat' is the same as the first game. It's a great game. I can't wait to play more of it.


  1. Thank you for the read. Honestly you covered the topic and broadly examined all
    areas. If i was to write this i would have done a few things differently myself but you have definitely inspired me to get into the world of blogging. Thanks heaps for the post i really appreciate it. Have a good day and keep blogging

  2. I know that I haven't been adding many details yet, but I plan to. I was mostly trying to send people to my youtube channel.
