Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I'm about to publish my first novel, but I'm nervous. I keep going over every detail,  trying to perfect it. I know it won't be perfect, and I know some people will hate it. I don't intend for anyone to hate it, that's just what happens with any piece of art. I feel like I'm ready for the reviews, both the good and the bad. To be honest, I only read bad book reviews so I know what to expect. There are some people who pick over everything they read, then they write a review telling you how miserable the book made them feel. I don't want reviews like that,  no author does. I'm nervous because this is going to be my first book. I'm still learning, and I will only learn more with each book I release. I plan to read as many of my negative reviews as I can, not because I want to punish myself,  because I can learn from them. The negative reviews will only make me a stronger writer. 

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