Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Starting a new project while editing an old project

It's come to my attention that I need some sort of writing schedule. I'm on the final draft of my werewolf story, but I've started working on something new. I had already jotted down a few ideas for the second novel in my werewolf series, but this is something completely new. This is a huge problem for me, since writing something new is always more exciting then editing an old project. I do enjoy self editing, it allows me to figure out new ways the characters can interact, but it's nothing compared to getting lost in a world of new characters. So I need to work on a schedule, something to evenly divide my time. I don't think I should give up on the new story. I'm having too much fun with it, but if I focus all of my time on that story I'll never get my original story finished, the one I plan to publish shortly.

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