Tuesday, January 8, 2019

My 2018 in books!

I know I'm a little late to the party, but I felt that 2018 was an important year for me reading wise. I kind of stopped reading in 2015 and had trouble getting back into the hobby. Even authors that I love couldn't hold my attention. I missed reading, and wanted to get back into the hobby, but I had some trouble. I finally decided to make myself a goal on Goodreads, I would read 50 books. I started out trying to read my old favorite genre (urban fantasy, the genre that I write). I tried the Queen Betsy books, but only managed to get about 75 percent through them. I wasn't able to finish the book because despite having a love for the genre, there was one big thing that annoys me about it. The main character often finds allows her love interest to do things that repulse her and she usually just forgives him or moves on without so much as a discussion. I may go back and finish the book, but I don't have any plans to anytime soon. I also purchased a few books after asking for suggestions on facebook and reddit, but none of them really stuck. The next big book that I read was You, and it was life changing. I ended up falling in love with the thriller genre as a result. My library has this form on their website where you can ask for suggestions and they send you an email with a list of books they think you might enjoy. At the time that I sent off for suggestions I didn't really have much time to read, but then I ended up getting a job as a receptionist and I was allowed to read during my down time. I went through book after book, usually in a matter of three days. I was flying through my list, until I got to a book that was supposed to be an adult Scobby Doo. The book dragged, and as a result, I ended up reading the Midnight Texas books. Manfred had always been one of my favorite characters (the actor that plays him on tv isn't bad to look at either) so I was glad to see that he was getting his own series (I also really like Fiji). I'm currently reading the last book in the series and I love it. I didn't quite reach my goal, but this year was still really important to me. I rediscovered my love of reading. This year I plan to set a smaller goal (like 25) and I plan to hold onto my love of reading.

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