Friday, October 7, 2016

Writing Advice From Twitter

I joined twitter when I first decided that I was going to write a book. I wasn't writing Zombie Bite yet. I was writing Hair of the Wolf, which I still plan to publish. I knew the time wasn't right to release Hair of the Wolf. I honestly needed to go through more and learn more for that novel, which I am currently working on. I want it to be better than Zombie Bite, and longer. I want it to be a full length novel and I want to see it in paperback as well as hardcover. I want to be able to hold that book in my hands. However, I wouldn't have even gotten to where I am now without the advice I got on twitter. 

1. Don't make every tweet about writing. No one wants to follow someone who is only talking about their book. You should promote your book, but it shouldn't be every tweet. If your twitter feed is bland I will assume that your book is as well. Tweet often, and about things not related to writing or your book. How about starting a discussion about a tv show you like or a movie you recently saw? You'd be surprised at how many people you can bond with. 

2. Post Quotes from your book long before the book is published. This is a great way to draw interest. Your characters say interesting things, so why not post those quotes on social media? It can cause the reader to relate to your characters long before the book is even out.

3. Don't be afraid to share parts of your writing. When I first started I was afraid that people would steal my writing. I know that it's silly now, but I was. It's likely that no one will share your writing and if you post a chapter or two it can help to get people hooked. 

4. Don't spend money to promote your book until you have at least three books written and published. This one I asked a writer about. I didn't know much about promotion and I asked him when I should start buying for ads (like the ones on facebook). He told me that it was pointless to put an ad in when you only have one book. If someone enjoys your work and you have more than one novel they will be able to download the next one as soon as they are finished with the first. I have done this with books so it made sense to me and I haven't paid for ads yet. 

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