I read a lot, maybe even more than I write, but I only have a few books that I consider my favorites. Today I basically had a lazy day, which consisted of me watching the entire third season of the UK's Being Human, but I still wanted to blog.
Carrie is the first book I think of whenever I think about my favorite books. It's the first Stephen King book that I've ever read, and the one I've liked the most. There were at least a dozen different covers, but this happens to be the cover of the one I own. A friend bought it for me at a used bookstore after hearing me talk about the book so much. Some of the other covers are so beautiful that I would love to own them. I've seen all four Carrie movies (Carrie, Carrie the Rage, the tv one, and the remake), I would love to see the play as well. I think Carrie is a book that everyone should check out.
I guess I'm going to break the first rule by talking about this book. I actually read the book and watched the movie around the same time. I think I actually made myself read the book first so that nothing would be ruined. It's the most quotable book that I've ever read, and the book itself made me think and look at things differently. I liked the movie too, but I think I prefer the book.
After reading I am Legend I picked up Stir of Echoes, both are good books and I plan to read more by Richard Matheson. The main character is the last man in a world filled with vampires, which makes him legend (like the vampires used to be). I wasn't sure how I would feel reading something written so long ago, but this was one of the best books I've ever read. It's the best vampire book I've ever read. I found myself being beyond disappointed when watching the Will Smith movie.
I wasn't aware that this was a tv series when browsing through the barnes and noble website. I was looking for something to read and stumbled across this. I bought the first book, not knowing what to expect. I read the book in one day, ordered the next three books, and read this again while waiting for them to come in. The first few books in the Sookie Stackhouse series are great, but the quality of the rest of the books steadily declined. I watch True blood every so often, but I prefer the books about the telepathic waitress.
My favorite comic book, the Crow. I love comic books. I collect the 30 days of Night series, and I would love to collect the other Crow comics. I only have the original, the one the movie was based on. I saw the movie first, and shortly after I purchased the comic on eBay. The comic is slightly more violent than the movie, but I don't really have a problem with violence.
Honorable mention: The Dexter books by Jeff Lindsay