Sunday, May 13, 2018

The future of weekend reviews

When I started this blog I thought that it would be a good idea to review books on it. I called my reviews 'Weekend Reviews' and posted them on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I thought it was nice to have an assigned day where I did something special, kind of like when youtubers have things like 'scary Saturday' and play horror games. I didn't think about how weird it would be that I was trying to sell books while reviewing other people's books. At the same time as I was reviewing my books on here, I wasn't taking the time to post the same review on amazon, goodreads, Barnes and noble, or anywhere that would help the author sell books. It would be very random for someone to just come across my blog, and highly unlikely that they would buy a book based on my short review. To be honest, when I like a book there's not much that I say about it, so my reviews were short and there wasn't much to them (like some of my blog posts). I have decided to discontinue weekend reviews and focus on something that will benefit my blog instead. I may bring something else to my blog in the future, but I have nothing planned yet.

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